How it all hangs together ‒ Climate2

It’s not all about carbon-dioxide. The earth is (or was) an self-stabilizing system More insolation leads to more evaporation of water, more clouds, more rain – and the overall system cools down. However, outside certain boundaries, the system is not self correcting and becomes unstable. For all we know the system will become unstable with unthinkable consequences, if the current overall temperature increases by more than 2 °C.

Toxic Asbestos in your Bathroom?

The pictures shown here (Figures 1 and 2) come from a study in which we conducted on twelve commercial baby powders and cosmetic formulations available in the shops in Jakarta, Indonesia (March-May 2020). Our initial intention was to analyze the particle size distribution (PSD) of common household articles with a polarizing light microscope for a reference […]

Jakarta – Good News

The picture is a microphotograph of ambient (street-)dust, collected in Jakarta on August 9th, 2020, after major rainfall which ended a spell of ten dry days. The sample material has been washed down and concentrated by the rain and was collected with a tape lift from a specially prepared surface. So, what’s good about it? […]

Covid-19: Jakarta im lock-down

Seit dem 10. April ist Jakarta im lock-down, hier PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar – Soziale Einschränkungen in großem Mass) genannt. Das bedeutet, dass die Schulen und praktisch alle Geschäfte geschlossen sind, mit Ausnahme der Lebensmittelketten, Apotheken, Heimwerkermärkte(!). Wer kann, der arbeitet von zu Hause (wfh: working from home). Auf den Straßen, draußen, sind Gesichtsmasken […]

Jakarta Photo Book

An alternative view of Jakarta, a black&white photo book with caption in English. Street photography from Jakarta and elsewhere in Indonesia. Published and printed (on demand) in Germany. Available in books shops all over Germany or worldwide (by courier).

Fat and Coconut Oil

The problem with coconut oil is at least two-fold: First, packaged coconut oil consists only of saturated fatty acids, secondly it is processed with hexane (a toxic solvent) and other organic solvents to remove unwanted color and flavor. So the conclusion was that unsaturated fats are “better”. This may be true for the oil in […]