Toxic Asbestos in your Bathroom?

The pictures shown here (Figures 1 and 2) come from a study in which we conducted on twelve commercial baby powders and cosmetic formulations available in the shops in Jakarta, Indonesia (March-May 2020). Our initial intention was to analyze the particle size distribution (PSD) of common household articles with a polarizing light microscope for a reference […]

Jakarta – Good News

The picture is a microphotograph of ambient (street-)dust, collected in Jakarta on August 9th, 2020, after major rainfall which ended a spell of ten dry days. The sample material has been washed down and concentrated by the rain and was collected with a tape lift from a specially prepared surface. So, what’s good about it? […]

Zum Thema Greta Thunberg

Ich habe den Eindruck, ich sehe ein kleines Mädchen, das die Feuerwehr ruft, weil das Haus brennt. Daraufhin antwortet man ihr: dass sie viel zu jung sei, um erwachsenen Feuerwehrleuten zu sagen, was sie zu tun haben. dass es ja gar nicht ihre eigene Idee war, um Hilfe zu rufen, sondern dass ihr das jemand […]

Why it is so difficult to be Green

Practically everybody with a brain has understood that we all have to do something to save the environment (and the world), yet we don’t make enough effort. Why? Behaving environmentally responsible is not considered to be “cool”. Trying to get someone to avoid plastic bags is like telling your children to eat up their veggies […]