Seit dem 10. April ist Jakarta im lock-down, hier PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar – Soziale Einschränkungen in großem Mass) genannt. Das bedeutet, dass die Schulen und praktisch alle Geschäfte geschlossen sind, mit Ausnahme der Lebensmittelketten, Apotheken, Heimwerkermärkte(!). Wer kann, der arbeitet von zu Hause (wfh: working from home). Auf den Straßen, draußen, sind Gesichtsmasken […]
Category: travel
Jakarta Photo Book
An alternative view of Jakarta, a black&white photo book with caption in English. Street photography from Jakarta and elsewhere in Indonesia. Published and printed (on demand) in Germany. Available in books shops all over Germany or worldwide (by courier).
Could Jakarta be hit by a Tsunami? – Extremely unlikely!
After the recent tsunami disasters (Aceh, Pangandaran, Palu, Krakatau and other places) voices that are warning of a tsunami threatening Jakarta (eg. in Kompas, December 27th, page 21) or even all of Indonesia are being heard. In short: Jakarta is safe and the all-Indonesia-tsunami is nothing but a hoax.
As a Tourist in Central Java – Dieng, Wonosobo, and other Places in Central Java
Central Java was and still is one of the main tourist destinations in Indonesia, next to Bali. Over 200,000 tourists visited Borobudur in 2013. Therefore, it is so sad, so regrettable that things have gone from bad to worse. Here is my report (April 2018): The Dieng Plateau – Central Java In the 1980s, the […]